
A Recommended Initial Training and Experience Levels
Composite Level II Composite - NA- Completion with a passing grade of at least 2 years of engineering or science study at University college or technical school Experience 2 years Training 40 hours
Examination Method Level Technique High School Graduate or equivalent Completion with a passing grade of at least 2 years of engineering or science study at University college or technical school Minimum Required Work Experience in method (Hours) Permitted Time Frame (to obtain required work experience in methods)  (Months)
Acoustic Emission I   40 32 210 1.5-9
II 40 40 630 4.5-27
Electromagnetic I   40 24 210 1.5-9
II 40 40 630 4.5-27
Laser Methods I Profilometry 8 4 70 0.3-3
II 24 12 140 1-6
I Holography/
40 36 210 1.5-9
II 40 36 630 4.5-27
Leak Testing I Bubble Testing 2 2 3 4 hours to 3 days
II 4 2 35 1 week to 6 weeks
I Pressure Change 24 16 105 0.75-4.5
II 16 12 280 2-12
I Halogen Diode 12 8 105 0.75-4.5
II 8 6 280 2-12
I Mass Spectrometer 40 28 280 2-12
II 24 16 420 3-18
Liquid Penetrant I   4 4 70 0.5-3
II 8 4 140 1-6
Magnetic Particle I   12 8 70 0.5-3
II 8 4 140 1.5-9
Neutron Radiography I   28 20 420 3.18
II 40 40 1680 12-72
Radiography I   40 30 210 1.5-9
II 40 35 630 4.5-27
Thermal/Infrared I   32 30 210 1.5-9
II 34 32 1260 9-27
Ultrasonics I   40 30 210 1.5-9
II 40 40 630 4.5-27
Vibration Analysis I   24 24 420 2-18
II 72 48 1680 12-72
Visual I   8 4 70 0.5-3
II 16 8 140 1-6